
Category: Business

Betting on Big Solar

It’s good news for solar advocates and bad news for competitors: General Electric is breaking into the solar business in a major way. In April, GE announced it had built a solar module with the highest publicly reported efficiency rate…

Sheet Metal Worker

Sheet metal workers make sure you stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer by servicing the heating and cooling equipment in buildings. These tradesmen and women may specialize in heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems (also known as…

The mixed fortunes of a fuel

IN A high-tech world, dirty black lumps of coal might seem like an anachronism. Yet coal is far from a thing of the past. However whizzy your iPad, your wall-mounted television or your electric car, the chances are that it…

RHS Sunflower seed giveaway

April 14-20 is National Gardening Week, the RHS’ annual attempt to get us off the sofa and onto the beds with a series of events and initiatives. It has extra oomph because 2014 is also the 50th anniversary of Britain…

Sri Lanka’s tea growers have gone organic

Until quite recently, Sri Lanka had disappeared from the British tea connoisseur’s map. While European tea lovers have always rated top Ceylon estates highly, here the 60s Ceylon Tea centres – which served up a cup of heartburn-inducing tannic brew…

Car manufacturing hits reverse gear

UK car manufacturing went into reverse in August as factories closed for the summer holidays. A total of 71,065 cars rolled off production lines last month, 22% less than the 91,282 cars built in August 2013, according to the Society…